싱가포르 국립대학은 메인캠퍼스인Kent ridge campus와 법학대학원이 있는 Bukit timah campus로 구성되어 있습니다.
두 캠퍼스 사이는 약 9km 정도 떨어져 있어 트램이 운영되고 있다고 합니다.
1905년에 설립된 대학으로 싱가포르에서 가장 오래된 국립대학입니다. 세계 대학 순위역시 10~15위권에 드는 최고 수준의 대학이라고 보면 됩니다.
홈페이지 정보를 중심으로 학교에 대해 알아보겠습니다.
메인 페이지 상단메뉴에서 Admissions 메뉴로 들어가겠습니다.
NUS - National University of Singapore
Undergraduate 로 들어가면 아래와 같은 화면이 나오고 스크롤 다운을 하면 카테고리별 주요 메뉴가 링크로 제공되고 있습니다.
주요 메뉴 중 "Chat with our student"가 있어 클릭해보니 아래와 같이 2개 시간대에 대화가 가능하다고 나오고, 대화가능한 학생들 프로필도 확인할 수 있습니다. 참고로 싱가폴은 한국보다 1시간 느리기 때문에 감안해서 스케줄을 잡아야 합니다. (한국 오후3시 = 싱가폴 오후2시)
실제 채팅을 할 수 있는 링크는 아래 주소를 클릭하여 스크롤다운 하면 "Chat with Out Student"라는 배너가 나오고 클릭하면 대화창이 뜹니다.
NUS Admissions Open House 2022
Welcome to NUS! NUS is a leading global university centered in Asia. As a research-intensive comprehensive university, we are committed to providing a holistic educational experience for our students. With more than 60 Bachelor’s degree programmes and in
실제 대화창은 무작위로 뜨는 것 같으니 학생과 대화하면서 관심 있는 과의 학생이면 전공에 대해, 아니면 학교생활에 대해 문의하면 좋을 것 같습니다.
대부분의 정보는 위 2개의 링크에서 대부분 제공이 됩니다.
먼저 Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) 정보를 확인해 보겠습니다.
Indicative Grade Profile (IGP)
Notification of Grade Profiles and Course Places for Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-level and Local Polytechnic Diploma Applicants for the Academic Year 2021/2022 NUS Undergraduate Admissions Exercise Printer Friendly Version The University provides the followi
위 링크에서 제공하는 정보 중 전공별 GCE-A 레벨의 Percentile이 나오는데 컴싸나 법학, 간호학, 치의학 등은 10th percentile, 90th percentile 모두 AAA(H2)/A(H1)이 나와야 할 정도로 높습니다.
Table 1: Grade Profiles of the 10th and 90th percentiles of A-Level Applicants offered places for courses at NUS in Academic Year 2021/20222
NUS Courses | Representative Grade Profile: 3H2/1H1 |
10th percentile | 90th percentile | |
Faculty of Law | ||
Law* | AAA/A | AAA/A |
School of Medicine | ||
Medicine* | AAA/A | AAA/A |
Nursing* | CCC/C | AAA/C |
Faculty of Dentistry | ||
Dentistry* | AAA/A | AAA/A |
School of Design & Environment | ||
Architecture* | CCC/C | AAA/A |
Industrial Design* | BCC/B | AAA/A |
Landscape Architecture* | BCC/B | AAA/A |
Project & Facilities Management | CCC/B | BBB/B |
Real Estate | BCC/B | BBB/B |
Faculty of Engineering | ||
Biomedical Engineering | BBC/C | AAA/A |
Chemical Engineering | BBC/B | AAA/A |
Civil Engineering | CCC/C | AAA/C |
Electrical Engineering | BCC/B | AAA/A |
Engineering Science | BCC/B | AAA/A |
Environmental Engineering | BCC/C | AAA/A |
Industrial and Systems Engineering | BCC/B | AAB/B |
Materials Science and Engineering | BCC/C | AAA/A |
Mechanical Engineering (Include Aeronautical Engrg Specialisation) | BBC/C | AAA/A |
School of Computing | ||
Business Analytics | AAA/A | AAA/A |
Computer Science | AAA/A | AAA/A |
Information Security | AAA/A | AAA/A |
Information Systems | AAA/B | AAA/A |
Faculty of Engineering & School of Computing | ||
Computing Engineering | AAA/C | AAA/A |
College of Humanities & Sciences | ||
Data Science and Economics | AAA/B | AAA/A |
Environmental Studies | AAB/B | AAA/A |
Food Science and Technology | AAA/A | AAA/A |
Humanities and Sciences | ABB/B | AAA/A |
Pharmaceutical Science | AAA/A | AAA/A |
Pharmacy | AAA/A | AAA/A |
Philosophy, Politics, and Economics* | AAA/A | AAA/A |
NUS Business School | ||
Business Administration | ABB/C | AAA/A |
Business Administration (Accountancy) | ABB/B | AAA/A |
* Courses that require interview &/or test.
2Double degrees are excluded from the table
물론 일부 전공은 차이가 나기도 하지만, 그렇다고 해서 그 전공이 쉽다는 건 절대 아니라고 생각됩니다.
제가 관심 있는 IB Diploma에 대한 정보는 아래 링크에 있습니다.
Admissions Requirements
Application for Academic Year 2022-2023 will commence from 15 October 2021 and close on 21 February 2022. Applicants (regardless of nationality) seeking admission to NUS should present the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma. This includes full-time N
본인 지원 전공의 사전이수과목도 반드시 확인해야 합니다.
Subject Pre-requisites
Admission is based on academic merit as well as open competition among all eligible applicants. In addition to fulfilling admission requirements for the applicant category that you belong to, you should also ensure that you fulfil the subject pre-requisite
Single Degree 기준의 사전이수과목은 아래와 같습니다.
- MAA = Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches
- MAI = Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation
Single Degree Course | Subject Pre-requisites | Selection test/ Interview |
Architecture | Pass in SL Chemistry or MAA or Physics; or HL MAI. | Yes |
Business Administration | Pass in SL MAA or HL MAA or HL MAI. | No |
Business Administration (Accountancy) | Pass in SL MAA or HL MAA or HL MAI. | No |
Business Analytics | Pass in HL MAA. | No |
Computer Engineering (Jointly offered by Faculty of Engineering and School of Computing)# | Pass in HL MAA; and HL Physics or Chemistry or Computer Science. | No |
Computer Science courses@ | Pass in HL Computer Science or MAA or Physics; OR good pass in either SL MAA or HL MAI. | No |
Dentistry | Pass in HL Chemistry; and either HL Biology or Physics. | Yes |
Engineering | Pass in HL MAA. Please refer to https://cde.nus.edu.sg/ for details. | No |
Food Science and Technology | Any two HL passes in Chemistry or Biology or Physics or Computer Science or MAA. | No |
Humanities and Sciences | Please refer to https://chs.nus.edu.sg/programmes/#prog-majors for details. | |
Industrial Design | Pass in SL MAA or Physics or Economics or Visual Arts; or HL MAI. | Yes |
Information Security | Pass in HL Computer Science or MAA or Physics; OR a good pass in SL MAA or HL MAI. | No |
Information Systems ^ | Pass in HL Computer Science; OR a good pass in SL MAA or HL MAI. | No |
Landscape Architecture | Pass in SL Chemistry or MAA or Physics; OR HL MAI. | Yes |
Law + | At least a grading of 5 points in SL English or SL Literature & Performance or SAT Critical Reading/Evidence-Based Reading and Writing score of 700 accompanied by a minimum grading of 4 points for SL English or SL Literature & Performance. | Yes |
Medicine | Pass in HL Chemistry; and either HL Biology or Physics. | Yes |
Music | Application for the Music course has to be filled directly to the Conservatory. Please refer to https://www.ystmusic.nus.edu.sg/for more information | Yes |
Nursing | Pass in any two of the following HL subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, MAA or Physics. | Yes |
Pharmacy % | Very good pass in HL Chemistry; and a very good pass in HL Biology or MAA or Physics. | No |
Pharmaceutical Science | Very good pass in HL Chemistry; and a very good pass in HL Biology or MAA or Physics. | No |
Real Estate | Pass in SL Chemistry or MAA or Physics; OR HL MAI. | No |
# Students without HL Physics need to have SL Physics or 'O' Level Physics or equivalent and would be required to take specified Physics bridging modules.
@ Please refer to http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/programmes/ for more information.
^ Please refer to http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/undergraduates/is_is_prospective.html for more information.
+ Students will require a minimum grading of 5 points for SL/HL English A: Language and Literature, SL/HL English A: Literature, SL/HL English B or SL Literature & Performance to apply.
가이드를 반드시 읽어보라고 강조하고 있으니 꼭 열어보시길 바랍니다.
가이드에는 크롬 브라우저를 사용하길 추천한다는 내용부터 이메일 계정이 없는 경우 NUS 어카운트를 만들라는 안내까지 상세하게 나와 있습니다.
2022년 지원자 기준으로는 2021년 10월 15일부터 지원이 가능합니다.
- Application for applicants presenting the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma opens from 15 October 2021 to 21 February 2022.
지원서 작성이 완료되면 아래와 같은 추가절차가 진행됩니다.
정상접수 메일을 받게되고, 추가서류를 제출하고, 지원수수료를 납부하면 됩니다.
- Successful submission of online application form
- Receiving an email titled “Acknowledgement of Application to NUS Undergraduate Courses”
- Submission of relevant supporting documents
- Making the S$10 application fee payment
추가서류 제출시 원본을 내지 말라는 안내와, 원본 제출을 하여 손상이 입어도 책임지지 않으며, 되돌려주지도 않는다고 안내가 되어 있습니다.
추가로 SAT 에 대한 안내문구 추가하고 마무리하겠습니다.
2개 섹션 점수를 동일 일자에 본 시험 점수만 인정된다는 내용입니다.
The SAT consists of 2 sections - Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, and Mathematics. The minimum acceptable test scores are 600 for Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, and 650 for Mathematics.
All sections of the SAT have to be taken in one sitting. Combination of scores from different sittings is not accepted
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